Judo at Burton Manor consists of a range of classes aimed at taking both junior and senior members from beginner to black belt.
We are a friendly club that aims to make learning Judo both fun and effective.
Our training dojo is purpose built and consists of a high quality, permanent mat.

At Burton Manor Sports we have our own purpose built Dojo, so there is no time wasted with putting mats down before a session can start.
We also have full changing room facilities for male and female participants and a clubhouse/bar to relax in after training.
The club trains three times a week Wednesday and Thursday night and Sunday morning,
Wednesday nights first session is primarily for the beginners’ and juniors, the second class is for the more “experienced” fighters.
Burton Manor Karate Club (BMKC) welcomes anyone from the age of five years upwards. It is a friendly club that has a strong social calendar that runs parallel with the karate.

“If you seek Mastery of the Sword, First Seek Sincerity of the Heart, the former is but a reflection of the later.”
IAIDO is concerned with the practical use of the Japanese Two Handed Sword as a weapon, but IAIDO is also an Art Form full of symbolism and philosophy.
We are part of a group called EIKOKU ROSHUKAI whose headmaster is IWATA SENSEI 19th Generation HANSHI. IWATA SENSEI, accompanied by other Japanese Sensei has visited England since 1995 to give instruction.
Practice Times are Tuesday Evenings from 7.00pm until 9.30pm and Saturday Afternoons 2.00pm until 5.30pm